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Joint Tech Session - Lee's Garage

Updated: Apr 8, 2019

On Saturday, April 6, 2019, we had a well attended and fun British car tech session at Lee Jacobsen's Belden Garage in Livonia, MI. Mother Nature cooperated, with sun and 68 degrees.   As a result, many fine sports cars made a showing in the parking lot.

Initially, the tech session was planned as an MGT club demonstration on how to use a sandblaster. The format quickly went off into other directions, with the WDMGC needing a location to change out a driveshaft for their member Mike Harris's MGB,

JAGM was  out in force, with many checking out Tom Coolman's silver 2004 XJ VDP and a junkyard Jag engine of Tom's that showed the complexity of a Jaguar aluminum dual overhead valve V8.   What a piece of art!   

Many thanks to the WDMGC for the donuts and coffee in the AM, and more thanks to my dear wife Karen and daughter Bonnie who provided a great lunchtime break for us all.

Thanks to all for coming to the Tech session. We will do another in the near future.

Cheers, Lee Jacobsen

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