Jaguar Affiliates Group of Michigan
An affiliate of Jaguars Clubs of North America
Drive to the Kalamazoo area on Friday, July 11th. We will have hotel room blocked for us at a discounted rate. We will have dinner at a restaurant nearby.
Saturday morning we will drive to DeNooyer Jaguar for the start of the Mad Dogs and Englishmen car rally. It typically has three stops and ends around 2 - 3 PM. It is usually a very scenic back road route.
Saturday evening we will have dinner in the area near Agusta, MI and then take in a play at the Barn Theater. It has become a tradition over the years and has always been a lot of fun.
Sunday morning we will drive to the Gilmore Car Museum, check in and park oou Jaguars on the grass area. Gilmore offer much to be seen and there will be lots of British cars in attendance.
About 3 PM we head home by way of Marshall, and of course stop at Schuler's Bar and Restaurant, another JAGM tradition.
JAGM, a non-profit organization established in 1967, brings together people with a passion for Jaguar cars.
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