Jaguar Affiliates Group of Michigan

An affiliate of Jaguars Clubs of North America

Studebaker Museum Cars and Coffee

  • 3 May 2025
  • 10:00 AM
  • 201 Chapin St, South Bend, IN 46601



Join us in South Bend, IN for a Cars & Coffee event. The museum will have some of their cars in the parking lot along with our Jaguars. It will quite a sight to say the least.

After the Cars and Coffee, we will tour the museum and then after that we will have lunch at the Tippecanoe Place Restaurant.

For those traveling you might want to arrive Friday evening and have dinner at the Bistro 933 located in The Hilton Garden Inn South Bend53995 Indiana State Route 933, South Bend, Indiana, 46637.

Mark your calendars and stay tuned as more details evolve on this fun event.

Organizers: Philip Wiltshire

JAGM, a non-profit organization established in 1967, brings together people with a passion for Jaguar cars.

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