Jaguar Affiliates Group of Michigan

An affiliate of Jaguars Clubs of North America

Feather Bowling - Bath City Bistro

  • 23 Mar 2025
  • 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
  • 75 Macomb Pl, Mt Clemens, MI 48043



Join us at the Bath City Bistro in Macomb, MI at 10 AM for brunch followed by a couple of games of Feather Bowling.

What is feather bowling?

Feather bowling is a form of Belgian trough bowling. It's best described as a cross between bocce ball and shuffleboard.

How do you play it?

Players divide into two teams, one at each end of the lane.

Each team has a pigeon feather planted in the center of the trough at the end of the lane. The object of the game is to roll a wooden disc down the lane in an attempt to land your disc as close to the feather as possible.

JAGM will cover the cost of the Feather Bowling. You will pay for your brunch.


JAGM, a non-profit organization established in 1967, brings together people with a passion for Jaguar cars.

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